Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Disneyland is Not the Happiest Place on Earth

Yesterday I woke up with an overwhelming feeling of peace.  As most of you do, the first thing I did was turn on my cell phone.  CNN headlines were streaming in with the news that Delta was canceling flights.  I moved onto Twitter to see what else I could learn and conspiracy theories around the outage seemed to be a theme.  As it happened, I was about to pack up and leave an amazing weekend in Miami to fly home to Detroit.  Would I leave?  Would I get stranded in the airport?  Would I lose this peaceful feeling I awoke with? Already and anxious flyer, would this news send me into a tailspin (no pun intended) of anxiety?  Surprisingly, the answer was none of the above.  While it just so happened that I was not one of the 530 cancelled flights, I was delayed several hours.  I was EXCITED about this! I was excited about having some time to myself - time in my head - time to write - time to think....and this made me happy.  I don't mean pleased -- I mean HAPPY.

When I arrived at the airport, I expected to be surrounded by ugliness.  Angry people, stressed out people, overwhelmed travel agents and chaos.  I was determined to maintain my happiness.  In line at Baggage Drop I was almost amused at my level of patience.  When I got to the ticket counter, my pleasantness surprised the agent.  While she profusely apologized for the situation, I said "In the world around us, this is just not a problem.  It's totally fine." - she was taken aback and appreciative with my attitude and I could see just a sliver of stress remove itself from her tightened facial muscles.  Through the TSA line, I gladly waited my turn and thanked the guard with a big smile - not something she saw often I'm sure.  While checking into the gate, I approached the agent who looked near tears.  She asked how she could help me.  "I do have a question, " I said, "but before I ask it, how are you?"  She was flabbergasted that anyone had an ounce of empathy left and said "thank you so much for asking.  I think you might be the nicest person I've talked to all day."  I left her with ..."I certainly hope I am not the last."  The intention I had of greeting people with kindness was SIMPLE and it was impactful to all I encountered and even to myself. Most of all, it was easy.  All I did was set the intention of Happiness.

I had several hours to kill so I went for a walk.  I walked for miles (big airport!) and literally could not wipe the smile from my face.  I laughed a little to myself, thinking how ridiculous I must have looked to people passing by. I felt so uplifted.  Instead of focusing on the negative, I looked for the positive and was happy to see it was all around me.  I watched little girls playing playground clapping games; saw a man rocking and singing to his baby; balloons intended for the arrival of a loved one.  All was right in the world -- even though we were all inconvenienced.  When I got back to my departing gate I looked up and saw the most amazing message.  In flowers were the words "All Together Now." What an incredible place we would live in if we all together chose happiness.

Here is my SIMPLY POSITIVE thought this week...Happiness is a choice. Disneyland is not the happiest place on Earth.  The happiest place on Earth is wherever you decide it will be!! 

Your homework this week is to choose one hour, or one day if you are feeling ambitious - to be happy.  To choose  happiness.  To choose the share that happiness with everyone you encounter.  I can't wait to hear how it changed the path of your day.  

Miami International Airport