Sunday, October 23, 2016

It's a WONDERful Life

I think I fell of my axis a bit this past week.  I found myself a little impatient and moody, which is not how I would typically describe myself.  Nothing major was happening to impact my mood, so what was up?  Was I drinking too much caffeine? Was it something in the water?  Was it a full moon?  While I half laughed at that thought, it dawned on me there could be something to it.  Upon referring to my pal, Mr. Google, I found it could, in actuality, have something to do with the full moon.   October 16th was a full moon, which also collided with the point at which the moon is closest to Earth.  How long has the moon been impacting the cycle of life? How about always!  While it is fact that the moon affects things like the tide, lunar phases have also been said to impact things like reproduction, crime, medical outcomes, and sleep patterns.  There are skeptics that disagree.  Either way, it sparked a little bit of an existential journey. 

We are only a fraction of a speck of dust compared to the moon. The powers it may or may not have are irrelevant to the fact that this massive orb visits us and everyone around the world each and every night.  Someone on a farm in Kansas sees the same moon as someone in a gondola in Venice.  We all know this, but how often does it overwhelmingly, radically amaze you? The concept of space and gravity and time are truly, truly astonishing.  The billions of cells in our body that grow and change daily are nothing short of miraculous.  To think that we have an understanding of how we began and how incredible life is, is simply arrogant.  We are mere mortals.  Yes, we invented electricity and airplanes and the Internet, but the fact that we even exist is simply amazing.

As a child I would anxiously stay up late at night thinking existential thoughts like “why are we here?” and “what is the meaning of life?”  I think most of us did.  Why did we stop questioning, as we got older?  Maybe we realized we would never have the answers so we just decided to get on with the business of life.  Perhaps we’ve become arrogant and self-consumed?  Are we blocking our growth and potential by being closed-minded. Socrates famously said- “wisdom begins in wonder.”  Just think of the unleashed potential you have, that could spark from a few moments of being amazed.

When was the last time you were amazed?  I’m “simply positive” it’s time for you to be moonstruck.

Your homework this week is simply to slow down and be amazed.  I personally, am giving myself some homework.  A lot of people talk about having a Gratitude Journal.  I’m going to start a Wonderment Journal and write about the things that amaze me every day.  In doing so, I am sure it will set the intention for exploration and will set a deeper appreciation for my life and everything in and around it. 

Have a simply amazing week!

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