Saturday, December 31, 2016

Shiny, Happy New Years!

The earth has completed its rotation around the sun again, which means one thing – it’s time for New Year’s.  Time for sparkly dresses, champagne, gym ads, diet fads and those often spoken-never kept words – resolutions.  We hear the term “new year, new you” over and over and as I get older, I think we are getting it all wrong.  You don’t need a “new you” – you just need to strip away what’s not real. It’s not time to start over to create something new.  It’s time to take stock of what’s not working, get in tune with what is, and share that awesomeness with the world. THAT is the new you.

What did you hold back in 2016? Were you afraid of success? Did you place other’s happiness above your own?  Did you forget what makes you happy? Did you forget to dream?  If you answered, “yes” to any of these questions, it is okay because we can start all over again right this second.  2017 can be Your Year!  Give yourself permission.

Let’s start by peeling apart the layers of what is not working.  What layers do you need to shed?  Is a job holding you back? Is negative energy your roadblock? Are you eating poorly? Are you in toxic relationships?  These are all things you have control over.  Give yourself love and permission to fix what is broken.

What is working?  Are you finding success in a career you adore?  Are you in love? Are you proud of yourself?  Do you make a positive influence in someone’s life?  Are you a role model?   Are you a good friend? Now that you can establish what has to go and what you are proud of, you can take YOU out of the equation.  It is the interaction and relationship with others that give meaning to life.  That’s what’s important.  What do you have left to offer?  What are things you have left that can be shared with others? 

Do you have a special talent, or trait, or time to share?  I know you do.  Everyone has something to give of themselves that can impact someone else in a positive way. Taking time to make note of them in the New Year, may uncover some fantastic action.  For example, instead of thinking about becoming a vegetarian, maybe someone will teach a cooking class at a community center for seniors?  Instead of promising to spend more time with the kids again this year, maybe someone will sign the entire family up for Tae Kwon Do.  Instead of complaining about the political climate of 2017, maybe someone will take action and write their congressman or March on Washington?   Whatever, it may be, we all have the ability to take action, to encourage, to make change or to influence.  We all have special gems that make us sparkle.  The trick is not to keep them hidden.  We need to encourage those around us to shine and grow.  I am “simply positive” if we focus on our real selves and let the best parts of us shine, we will live in a bright, sparkly shiny 2017.  Happy New Year!

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