“What is the meaning of life?” This is an age-old question we still don’ t have the answer
to, but maybe it’s because we are asking the wrong question. Maybe the question is, “How do make this vast, existential inquiry a personal one?" For me, I’ve come to realize that the meaning of my own life is my intent. I’ve spent lots of time pursuing my
purpose on this earth but until last week, hadn’t given much thought as to my
intent. Are they one and the
same? My interpretation is that
they are slightly different.
Purpose and Intention involve an aim or plan, but Intent also means:
“the healing process of a wound”.
Purpose is an intention for you set for yourself, and Intent is an aim
set to help others.
What your intent? If you had to sum up your life into just one word, what would
that word be? What’s the first
word that comes to mind? Don’t give it too much thought! Just trust your gut
and see what happens. I did this
last week with a company called MyIntent.org and it threw me for a loop.
I found MyIntent.org by accident while Internet surfing and
it caught my attention.
It was an advertisement for a very basic-looking
bracelet. The simple round grommet
with colorful string was definitely not a fashion statement so what was all the
fuss about? Why was Kanye West
wearing it on the cover of Time magazine?
I read it’s mission statement, “Our mission is to be a catalyst for meaningful
conversation and positive energy in the world.” Hmmmmm – all that from a bracelet? Okay, I’ll play.
I received my bracelet this week with a handwritten note
from Rachel, the girl who packaged or possibly produced it. She wrote, “When you do something from
your soul, a river moves in you. A joy.” –Rumi. “Keep shining.”
While I do like my new bracelet, it is not something I need to wear
every day to remind me to fulfill my intent. The happiness I feel every day from living my positive
life comes from the river moving inside of me that spills from the ocean of my
intent. The happy little dots are all connected and it all makes sense
ooh! I like this post.