Sunday, January 29, 2017


Like anyone with a computer or smart phone, I am overwhelmed with the amount of information flooding my brain.  The new Realm we have all been forced to enter can be overwhelming, even if you are a supporter.  It is hard to decipher what is true, what is false and what is exaggerated for benefit.  It’s easy to get sucked into the rabbit hole of negativity or add volume to exploitation or outrage.  We all feel helpless so we jump on any tidbit of “fact” so we can feel part of some action or response.  We all want to feel more in control of a country that is turning into a dictatorship.  It’s totally understandable, but maybe we should think about slowing down.  Why are we so quick to respond, when we haven’t taken time to process?  I think anyone using social media needs a Time Out and space to recognize that not everything we see online is true or needs a response. 

We all know the media and/or the government hand-picks what “truths” the public is privy to.  Let’s take the audience for the Inauguration, for example.  Camera A shows giant crowds and Camera B shows a quarter of the amount.  We believe what we want to believe – what proof do we really have unless we were there?  With the new-age of smart phones, we have instant proof of life. But do we?  We live in an age of computer master-minds…elementary-aged coders and middle-school meme creators.  We live amongst high-school hackers and college-aged website masters.  Anyone, nowadays, has the ability to manipulate the truth.  So how do we stay true to our beliefs when it is almost impossible to know what is true and what is not?   I’m “simply positive” that for me, it’s instinct.  I trust my gut.  I read something and then I pause.  I take a moment before deciding whether or not to share it or respond to it.  I evaluate the source. I scour the content. I use my head first and heart second.

Most of my friends are not supporters of our new regime.  A lot of them are sharing negative memes, cartoons and sarcastic comments about He Who Shall Not Be Named.  I am just as outraged as my fellow Americans, but I just don’t see the point of the nastiness…exactly how is that going to effect change?  If the people creating those jokes could spend the same amount of time calling their Senators, that could actually move us forward.  I can’t help but go back to my preschool days.  Remember THINK?  Is it T-rue? Is it H-elpful? Is it I-nspiring?  Is it N-ecessary?  Is it K-ind? If it doesn’t fall into one of these categories – and hopefully it falls into more than one – than it doesn’t get repeated by me on social media.  Our leader doesn’t think before he acts or speaks… we need to.

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